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Diamondbyway, sustainability at its finest

Our road to sustainability

DiamondByway is essentially a historical ledger of the movement of the firm’s diamonds, from mine to finger.

DiamondByway strives to provide digital provenance tracking to enable transparency along the global jewellery supply chain. We aim to provide additional transparency and confidence about the responsible origins of their diamonds.

We have partnered with technology company Everledger for the DiamondByWay platform of blockchain-enabled diamonds. Everledger is deeply committed to bring transparency to the market through the use of cutting-edge technology.

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Origin - Transparency - Authenticity - Sustainability

Our goal is to create transparency in cost effective manners yet self-sustainable, trustworthy and most secured network along the entire diamond’s lifetime

It’s a time upon which we can combine the very best of technologies to build a platform of provenance to bring transparency in our industry.

I am very pleased about our collaboration with Facet. It’s great to see an important European jewellery manufacturer embracing transparency as a core value moving forward. This is a trend we have been seeing in the industry since our pioneering blockchain platform has brought more visibility around the journey of a diamond. We look forward to working with Facet and their customers in the future.
— Calogero Scibetta, Head of Business Development for Everledger

Blockchain technology

Innovation, experience and application of emerging technologies. Today we can track the provenance of our diamonds through blockchain technology.

The blockchain ledger records every sequence of transaction from beginning to end as each transaction occurs, it is put on a block, each block is connected to the previous one as well as the one after that. Transactions are cryptographically unique, secure, and immutable. That's why blockchain is ideal to record origin, characteristics and ownership of one of the most valuable goods on earth. It can trace a diamond's path from the mine to the hands of the consumer with unparalleled security, privacy and transparency.